

Waist Away Wellness To Stay - Weight Loss Challenge

Waist Away Wellness To Stay - Weight Loss Challenge

If you find yourself doing less and less as the weather gets colder, or you’re just on the struggle bus all year round, we’ve got something that will blitz your way through the winter! 😀❄️

Our 15-week “Waist Away Wellness To Stay” Weight Loss Challenge starts on February 3rd! 💪

· $200 entry fee
· At least 8 people to run contest
· Contest will be based on % body fat loss
· Weigh-ins will be biweekly
· Weekly small group training with Certified Personal Trainer Sandra Michlovitch (1 early morning and 1 evening option)
· Private Facebook Group providing nutritional information, coaching, support, recipes, etc.
· A minimum of 1st and 2nd place prizes to be awarded

If you would like to participate, sign up by Saturday, February 1st. ✍️ Start your journey and feel good for life! 🙏 For more information, call 📞 (315) 452-5522 or contact Laurie Beth Tyldesley Pestle at lbpestle@gmail.com.